Saturday, May 12, 2012

Machine knitting a bunch of grapes!

For the last few days, I've been experimenting on the Passap, trying out all sorts of things and getting a little bit impatient... I know the result I want, but although I'm making progress, I'm still not there yet...

So, to take a break from the trials and errors marathon, I made something easy and fast without any increases or decreases, without any short rows!  I made an afghan!!!

As you can see, it's reversible! The grapes come from a Deco card I punched out many years ago, I have no idea where I got the motif... Probably from an issue of Modern Knitting or of Machine Knitting Monthly... I'll check it out...

I made a wide border at the top and a narrow one on the bottom. It could be part of the design, but really, it's because I was running out of purple yarn! ;-)

I'll be making another afghan tonight as a mother's day surprise gift for my music loving mother. I have just the motif for it!

Happy mother's day to all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    This is great. I saw a sample made in plating technique on a singlebed. A purple flower on a white background and on the other side a negative image: white flower and purple backgrond. Does anybody know how it can be made?
