Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A little crochet!

Here's what I made a few months ago for the guest room:

That's 169 granny squares in different shades of green, pink and lilac with a dark green border.

The cat is very happy with the results, he loves to sleep on it! :-)


  1. Oooh , caught a glimpse of your old-as-the-mountains home... looks like white-washed stone from the early settlements ! :) Beautiful room, furniture, and ... and... gorgeous squares !!! I'll be right over for some coffee about now.... and some knitting. :)

  2. Yes, I did a traditional lime finish on the stone walls. Come on right over! :-)

  3. Ahhh... I can see, even as a builder, you (and your husband) built as artists !

  4. I think we were mostly respectful of the nature of the house. ;-)
