Sunday, March 18, 2012


For many years, I've collected vintage linens and knits. I inherited some, others I bought at antique auctions or got at swap meets. I always find it sad, that pieces that took so long to make, that demonstrate such expertise, were not kept in the family. It also breaks my heart to see them sold for a few dollars... So, I always feel that I have to save them, repair them and display them!

I thought you might be interested in seeing two pieces, that are presently in the place of honor in my bedroom.

This is a knit bedspread that I recently got at an auction. Nobody else bid on it, because it had a tiny bit of easily repaired damage. As you can see below, I haven't repaired it yet...  It's knit in a very fine cotton on very small  needles. It was knit in squares and then, sewn together with the same cotton.

I'm in awe of all the work and patience that went into this work of art and I feel very lucky that I get to enjoy it!

Now, I have the pleasure of showing you one of my grandmother's shawls:

                                                               Isn't it beautiful?

It's made in a complicated hairpin lace pattern. She taught me how to do hairpin lace  when I was a child. I remember that the big hairpin was fun to play with, but that doing something beautiful with it was very hard...

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