Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Getting there. Slowly but surely...

This was a very busy 3 day weekend.

I finished the linen curtains and hung them. :-)

I finished moving furniture around. I just need the new bookcase...

I cleaned the house and cooked because:

I had my family over for supper at Thanksgiving.

I went to a family brunch.

I stored most of my patio furniture in the attic. That means carrying it up two flights of stairs...

I canned turkey stock.

I visited friends.

I started to crochet a baby jacket for a friend's adorable baby girl. I had so much fun trying out different stitches and yarns that I didn't get to finish it...

I replaced all the summer bedding with winter bedding.

Here's what I did to hang my curtains:                                                        

A crochet border! The wrought iron poles are too cute to hide. Look, they swing out!!!

Yes, the basement walls are very thick, 3 feet thick!

I organized part of the basement. 

And after

The other part of the basement is almost done, all that's missing is the new bookcase to match the one above.

Most of my canning jars are in there:
 and in there:

The basement is now a place to fill my mind as well as my tummy! ;-)


  1. The crochet loops on your curtians look so pretty! Your basement looks amazing, and I love the beautiful display of yarn on the bookcase.

  2. Thank you Julie!!!
    All the yarn is now in the attic, you can get a glimpse of it here: http://riversideknitting.blogspot.ca/2012/02/guess-whats-upstairs.html
    That was last year, I've since managed to get even more yarn up there! ;-)

  3. What a fantastic space – you lucky woman!
