Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Slowly knitting my way through my Christmas list...

O.K. I know I've been slacking... I haven't been writing a lot. But, I've been busy knitting a bunch of Christmas gifts that I can't show! Some people might see their gifts!!!!!!! I've also been busy with my real life work (the one that pays the bills) and preparing the house for winter, you know, installing the storm windows, closing up the pool, putting the potted plants I want to save, in the ground, planting bulbs for next summer, etc...

 There is something I'll be able to show you soon. I have a short green cape my daughter gave me last year. I wear it often, but it's a bit too short to keep my arms completely covered. So, I'm knitting sleeves out of wool in the same green. I'll sew them in as soon as they're finished and then, I'll show you, promise!

I can also talk about a man's sweater I'm knitting for my friend's son who's studying abroad for a year. He wanted a very simple round neck sweater, brown, with his initial on the front. He wanted it very loose and soft and as close as possible to his dog's colour. After looking far and wide, I found a wool alpaca mix in the exact colour he wanted! Yeah! I knit the ribbing by hand because the SK120's ribber needs a new sponge bar and since they don't make them anymore and I have to make it myself and I haven't had the time to go shopping for what I need.... Well.... There you have it, the ribbing is hand knitted and the rest will go on the SK 120 bulky machine. I made that machine a new sponge bar last year! I should have made two... Sigh...

Since a post is always better with pictures, however pedestrian they might be, here's what the brown yarn looks like:

The colour changes depending on the lighting... I still haven't decided what colour his initial will be...

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