Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sticky yarn...

Last year, while I was hoping and dreaming of spring, I made this crochet scarf. It was a bad decision, it used a few skeins of some yarn that was earmarked for a sweater, it looked flimsy, I didn't like it and never wore it.

Since I have some Filatura di Crosa Mille yarn left in the same colour, as well as in a slightly darker very yummy shade, I need to unravel the Sweet Eleanor scarf to have enough yarn to make myself a light spring cardigan.

Well, this mohair doesn't want to be unraveled!!! It's fighting me every step of the way, it sticks to itself like velcro. I have to cut through tiny mohair fibres to unravel every single crochet stitch...

I have to do this a few minutes at a time. If I try to go any faster, I'll probably cut the scarf up in tiny little pieces and throw it in the garbage. It's that aggravating! ;-)

I'm searching the web to see if there's someone out there who knows a way to tame sticky yarn, Pam, olive oil, silicone??? I'm willing to try anything, that yarn is discontinued and I really need what's in the scarf to have enough for a cardigan.

Meanwhile, the endless stockinette body of the blue peacock eyes cardigan has grown 6 inches. Slowly but surely!!!


  1. Oh, somehow I knew that about mohair too... remembering once with a very fuzzy mohair yarn, having to rip out half a sweater because I didn't want to continue... and maybe I ended up not. I think it ended up being a cat bed for my kitty. lol.
    How is Spring looking in Quebec? Ready for maybe an *early* ahead-of-submission pdf of Penny Candy Tee? :) :) :) xx

  2. The mohair yarn is in the freezer, I read that it might help, we'll see...
    Spring hasn't arrived yet. It's mild today, one degree over the freezing point. Still well below normal temperatures for this time of the year and it's supposed to snow tomorrow. We'll probably end up going straight to summer. ;-)
    I have the yarn and my fingers are itching to start on an *early* ahead-of-submission pdf of Penny Candy Tee! Oh yeah!!! :-) xxx

    1. Freezing mohair? Well, yeah, that makes sense , I guess. lol. I realize it's snowy there still.. but hey, did you get my email , with the little pdf included? :) :) :)

    2. Yes! I just emailed you! :-)
