Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lost and found?

I might have already told you about a big missing box of knitting books and magazines... It was (I thought) misplaced during our huge renovation. Well, I have to admit defeat, the box has completely disappeared in some other dimension... Believe me, I've looked everywhere, even in the most unlikely places... The only explanation, is that somebody threw it away (gasp!) thinking it was (dare I say it) trash...

Well since it's not turning up anywhere, I've decided to replace the books that I really miss, that I really use and that are still available. I've found out that some of the older ones are available in digital form!!!

Here is my first find, one which I never thought I'd lay my eyes on again, the Passap Deco Patterns Book 101-330!!!! Yeah!!!

If you have a Passap knitting machine with a Deco, this is the most useful pattern repertoire you'll ever come across!

I also found that a lot of my missing books are available on Amazon, like "Knitting in the old way" .

I'm so happy to have this one back!!!

Although I'd love to buy them all at once, I'll have to watch my budget and my purchases... Some of them are a LOT more expensive now than when I bought them!

O.K. I've found most books, but that doesn't solve the entire problem. You see, in that missing box, I had a collection of old Rowan pattern books and magazines... I haven't found any of them on the web, yet! I loved them and used them very often for inspiration... sigh.... The patterns were timeless... All I can do at this point, is to keep on searching the world wide web... Do you have any suggestions as to where I could look?

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